Whale Watching Tours
Our adventures are 3 hours in length. June through October, are the ideal months to view Orcas (Killer Whales) in all their glory. The Juan de Fuca Strait is the perfect area to find the returning Humpbacks from June to November and with hundreds returning to their feeding grounds gives you ample opportunity to have your own close encounter of the deep. Some of most interesting encounters is of mammal hunting Transient Killer Whales that are now very regular visitors to our area. We also see a ever increasing amount of Humpback Whales and also the possibility of Gray, Fin and Minke Whales.
During peak months, our success rate for sighting whales is 97%.
*Whale Sighting Guarantee is during our peak months (July through September) and allows for guests to return for another marine adventure.
(when/if space is available)